December 29, 2008

Christmas Day `08

Dad and his new socks...

Michaela LOVES her new Bronco State Football pants...

"I think I will go take a shave"...

We tried out her new pie pan over the weekend...

Nathan and his new shaver.

There you "dough", your new Pladough!

A white Christmas!

Michaela geting ready for the Christmas story...
"I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the
power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes" Romans 1:16
Mom and her new measureing bowl.


hie-ya! Caleb's new Gerber knife.

What is it...?

We have started a tradition that mom will receive several glass bowls for Christmas.

Caleb feeding the birds.

December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008 and Happy New Year to Everyone

Nathan turned 18 in June. He completed his Eagle Scout requirements plus 1 palm for his scouting career and his court of honor was held the end of August. It was a special day and was great Patrick’s parents could join us. Nathan is concentrating on academics now and getting ideas for future goals along with enjoying a soccer league.

Bethany will be 16 in January. She likes to sew mainly for special occasion dresses that can be used for tea parties or balls. She purchased a violin and is anxious to learn how to play. Another home school mom with 25 years experience teaching and interpreting sign language offered to teach a beginning class which Bethany has participated in and thoroughly enjoys. Babysitting is always a favorite thing to do too.

Caleb turned 14 last September. He is still involved with scouts and is making good progress, but thankfully does not have the time pressure to make Eagle rank by 18 that Nathan did. He also enjoys solving Rubik's cubes, most everything on the computer, chess, and hopefully soon can learn violin.

Michaela will be 11 in January. She enjoys chess along with computer games and outdoor activities. She has a desire to learn to play the guitar. She is getting tall quickly and thinks it’s great to not be much shorter than her mom.

Leah was 6 in August. She enjoys reading very much and anxiously waits for her teacher to move on to more readers. We use Bob Jones satellite for all the kids and she just loves her teachers. Also, she is learning piano and has a good ear for playing the melody for whatever she hears.

We have a chess club for homeschool at our house on Tuesdays. All the kids play and are improving all the time. Bethany, Caleb, Michaela and Leah also play in tournaments once a month. Caleb and Michaela help their teacher teach chess at an elementary school on Wednesday afternoon. Bethany helps too, but will stop next semester.

Some of the church families have hosted barn dances this year which has awakened a big desire for everyone to gather several times a year for fun dancing. It’s not totally square dancing, but a mixture of older dances too (Virginia reel, dashing white sergeant, posties jig...). Everyone from young to old enjoys participating. It’s great the kids can socialize without any boy/girl pairing up pressure. At first our boys were not too excited about going, but then they were relieved to know it was just fun dancing with trading around many different partners. Now they think it’s fun, but it doesn’t top a good air-soft war game or capture the flag game at night with the scouts.
We coordinated one the end of September and it was fun that Teresa’s parents could be there to enjoy watching the energy of the younger ones. The next big event that the kids are looking forward to is a more formal ball dance to be held in March,2009 with a time period setting of the Civil War. Bethany and her friends are excited about getting their dresses made for the ball. Bethany is making a Regency ball gown.

Patrick enjoys working for Jackson’s Food Stores. He stays very busy but they treat him well. He went with the boys to Zion National Park in August for a scout adventure. They did lots of hiking and had a great time. Teresa and the girls did some fun things together around Boise.

Teresa stays home with the kids and homeschools with the wonderful help of Bob Jones satellite system. We also have a new blessing to born soon. Michaela hopes the baby will be born on her birthday, the 14th; could be since we’re due the exact same time. We’re getting a blog site started so hopefully you can look at pictures soon. Site address is:

We are thankful for Jesus and the hope we have in Him! A great DVD is "The Star of Bethlehem". Absolutely fascinating and gives a whole new meaning to the verse “ the heavens declare the glory of God!”